Environmental Policy

Our Approach to Environmental Matters

Our objective is to reduce our impact on the environment including factors contributing to climate change, through a commitment to continual improvement. We comply with environmental legislation and regulations in the jurisdictions where Group companies operate to ensure that our major impacts are addressed.

Energy Use (Carbon Emissions)

We continually seek to reduce the amount of fuel used by our fleet by the introduction of energy efficient vehicles, routing systems and improving drivers’ skills. Further we strive to reduce the electricity we use for lighting our warehouses by the use of available power saving technologies including the use of new solar panelling from September 2012 and where possible appropriate building modifications. We only heat warehouses where necessary due to either regulations and/or cold weather conditions.


We promote reduction of waste through elimination of packaging and encourage reuse and recycling throughout our operations.

Environmental Certification

Environmental Management is the control of ones interaction with the environment in which we live, ie. our global ecosystem comprising air, water and land. The impact company actions are having on the environment is becoming an increasingly important issue across the globe and we have taken formal and systematic measures to formalise its approach to its environmental project, successfully gaining certification BS EN IS014001.

Platino successfully gained certification to BS EN ISO 14001. An effective EMS certified to ISO 14001 can help an organisation operate in a more cost efficient and environmentally responsible manner by managing its impacts, including those which it can control and influence, while also complying with relevant environmental legislation and its own environmental policy.

To gain and maintain certification, Platino ensures legislative compliance, records information on the operation of their EMS and demonstrates continual improvement.  Increased credibility comes from regular independent assessment to ensure its Environmental Management System continues to meet the requirements of the standard.